Wilson Pro Staff Six-One 100 Lite BLX - Pro but not quite

Quick review and consumer comments about the performance of the lightweight tennis racket Wilson Pro Staff Six-One 100 Lite BLX

Pro Staff Six-One 100 Lite BLX racket

I haven't posted anything about my tennis rackets recently and just wanted to drop few lines about the racket that I used to play with and sold after about 10 quite unsuccessful games - the Wilson Pro Staff Six-One 100 Lite BLX.

Well, on paper that seems like a pretty good racket, good combination of power, maneuverability and control. But that remained only on paper. On the court the maneuverability the Six-One 100 Lite felt inconsistent and anything else but stable.
Most of these problems got resolved with my current racket - the HEAD Youtek IG Radical MP which besides the fact that felt a bit harsh at the very beginning is just fine for my gameplay.

It really bugs me sometimes whether if I should try another racket or not but I guess that will come with time. For now I will stick with the Radical MP and focus more on the physical activities and getting in a good overall shape.
