Rowenta flat iron - consumer review after 3 months

Sharing our first-hand consumer feedback after 3 months of using the Keratin & Tourmaline flat iron by Rowenta 4522

Rowenta 4522 flat iron consumer feedback
Our consumer feedback after 3 months of using the Rowenta 4522 flat iron

Rowenta are probably one of the biggest names when we discuss hair-styling tools and accessories.

We have tested many of their products and so far we have mostly positive feedback with some exceptions of course.

Rowenta flat iron hair straightener review

Today, we are focusing our attention at one of their hair-styling products - the Rowenta 4522 flat iron.

We made a full consumer test and video review for you. Here is our feedback:

Rowenta liss & curl flat iron consumer test - video review

We made this video to specifically address any questions or concerns with this Rowenta flat iron.

If you are interested in the technical details please check the Rowenta SF 4522 hair straightener specifications mentioned in one of our earlier posts.

Are you using any hair-styling products? Please, share your impressions of this Rowenta flat iron with us.

Meanwhile, here are couple other beauty and cosmetic products you may check:

Thank you for checking our Rowenta flat iron consumer test!
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