Page fetch info Failed: Redirect error and Page is not indexed: Redirect error - how to fix them

Quick explanation and resolution of the popular errors in Google Search Console - Page fetch info Failed: Redirect error and Page is not indexed: Redirect error 

Google Search Console error

When Google Search Console reports a "Page fetch info Failed: Redirect error" for a page that you believe isn't actually redirected, it could be due to a few reasons:

  • Temporary Issue: Sometimes, Googlebot encounters temporary issues while crawling a page, leading to erroneous reports. In such cases, the problem might resolve itself after some time.
  • Intermittent Redirects: Even if the page doesn't have a direct redirect, there could be intermittent server-side redirects or script-based redirects that occur under certain conditions. These might not be immediately apparent but can still affect Googlebot's crawling process.
  • Incorrect Server Configuration: There could be issues with the server configuration or settings that lead to unintended redirects or errors, which may not be visible to you but are picked up by Googlebot.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue:

  1. Check Server Logs: Review your server logs to see if there are any unexpected redirects or errors being generated when Googlebot attempts to crawl the page.
  2. Inspect HTTP Headers: Use tools like curl or browser developer tools to inspect the HTTP headers returned by the server when accessing the page. Look for any unexpected redirect responses (e.g., HTTP status codes 301, 302, etc.).
  3. Check for JavaScript Redirects: If your page uses JavaScript, make sure there are no JavaScript-based redirects that might be triggered under certain conditions.
  4. Review CDN or Caching Settings: If you're using a content delivery network (CDN) or caching solution, review the settings to ensure they are not causing unexpected redirects or caching issues for Googlebot.
  5. Validate HTML Markup: Ensure that your HTML markup is valid and doesn't contain any meta tags or JavaScript code that could inadvertently trigger redirects.
  6. Fetch as Google: Use the "Fetch as Google" feature in Google Search Console to see how Googlebot views the page and whether it encounters any issues or redirects.
  7. Request Indexing: If you're confident that there are no issues with redirects or server configurations, you can request indexing of the page again in Google Search Console. This may prompt Googlebot to re-crawl the page and hopefully resolve the issue.

Page is not indexed: Redirect error

Google Search Console error

If Google Search Console is reporting "Page is not indexed: Redirect error" for a specific page, it typically means that Googlebot encountered a redirect error when attempting to crawl and index the page.

Here are some potential reasons and solutions:

  1. Redirect Chains: Sometimes, a page might not be indexed due to multiple redirects in a chain. Check if there are any unnecessary redirects in the URL structure and try to eliminate them.
  2. Incorrect Redirect Setup: Ensure that the redirects on your website are properly configured. Make sure that the redirects (if any) return the correct HTTP status codes (301 for permanent redirects, 302 for temporary redirects) and lead to the intended destination URL.
  3. Redirect Loops: Be cautious of redirect loops where one URL redirects to another, which in turn redirects back to the original URL, creating an infinite loop. This can prevent Googlebot from properly indexing the page.
  4. Canonicalization: Ensure that the canonical URL specified in the HTML markup (using the rel="canonical" tag) matches the URL you want to be indexed. Misconfigured canonicalization can lead to indexing issues.
  5. URL Parameters: If your website uses URL parameters, make sure they are correctly handled to avoid creating duplicate content or redirect loops.
  6. Crawl Errors: Use the "Crawl Errors" section in Google Search Console to identify any specific crawl errors related to the page. Addressing these errors can help improve indexing.
  7. Check Server Configuration: Verify that your server is not misconfigured to return redirect errors for valid requests. Review server logs for any clues on why the redirect error is occurring.
  8. Robots.txt and Meta Robots Tags: Ensure that the page isn't blocked by robots.txt directives or meta robots tags, which could prevent Googlebot from accessing and indexing it.
  9. Fetch as Google: Use the "Fetch as Google" feature in Google Search Console to see how Googlebot views the page and if it encounters any redirect errors. This can help diagnose the issue further.
  10. Request Indexing: After resolving any redirect errors, request indexing of the page again in Google Search Console. This prompts Googlebot to re-crawl the page and attempt to index it.

By addressing these potential issues and ensuring that the page is accessible to Googlebot without encountering redirect errors, you can improve the chances of getting the page indexed in Google search results.

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