Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 consumer review after six months

Consumer verdict and review of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 smartphone after six months of use

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo consumer review
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 consumer review

I have been using the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 on daily basis for the last six months and today I will share some thoughts on its good sides and negatives as well as provide some valuable feedback about this mid-range 5.5 inch smartphone.

Phone performance and ease of use

This is my biggest phone so far and in the beginning I had some concerns if the Note 3 Neo is the right choice for me or its size will just annoy me throughout the day. Actually after using it for half year I would now consider buying even bigger smartphone which is kind of a surprise for me as I usually prefer more compact smart devices on the go.

But it really makes sense, if one is buying phone with so many advanced features then the big display is a must or all these features will come in vain.

As a smartphone consumer for more than 5 years it was almost impossible for me to have some adequate browsing experience on a phone before I got the Galaxy Note 3 Neo. I consider sizes between 5 and 5.5 inch just the perfect measurement for daily use without sacrificing comfort of use. I was also surprised that you can even get used to one-handed operation on such big device but that's also a fact.

My Galaxy Note 3 Neo is still in pretty good shape after six months of use

The perofrmance on the other hand is something that I really can't complain from. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 is fast and responsive thanks to its quality hardware and the only thing that really ruins the overall experience is the TouchWiz interface which often lags and crashes without any particular reason.

Other than that it is all good impressions here - the HD Super AMOLED display is second to none, the huge battery would easily get you throughout two days and the build quality is above the average in this price range.

One thing that really improved the performance of my Note 3 Neo was the recent and long waited (official) update from Android OS v4.3 Jelly Bean to v4.4.2 KitKat which also significantly improved battery life.

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo Android KitKat
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 with Android 4.4.2 KitKat update

Since the very first week I've been using my Note 3 Neo with cheap TPU case that I bought for just 5 Euros but it happened to be quite durable and it is still accompanying my phone today. I am also using a screen protector which affects the touch sensitivity a little but prevented any scratches or dents on the display (so far).

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 TPU case
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 case
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 screen protector
Note 3 Neo screen protector


So, I can say I am really satisfied with the purchase I made six months ago. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo SM-N7505 is a well performing smartphone and a really useful device on the go and for purchasing price of about $300 I can say it is really worth the money.
